Overcoming anxiety and depression in cancer

Wellness Factsheet

There is an increasing recognition that psychological issues are a primary concern for cancer patients, both during and after treatment. Anxiety, depression, fear of recurrence and other psychological concerns need to be addressed to maintain quality of life.

Did you know?

Approximately half of all patients with cancer experience emotional difficulties.

Adjustment disorder is a common psychological complication, with individuals suffering from depressed mood, anxiety, lack of life satisfaction, hopelessness and/or loss of self-esteem.

Anxiety and distress are particularly prevalent among cancer patients. Psychological, social, and spiritual factors contribute to distress. In severe cases, it may interfere with the patient's ability to effectively manage the illness, its symptoms and the complications of treatment. 

Psychological issues may impact behaviours that are critical for cancer survivors.3,4 Survivors who have clinical depression have a two times greater mortality risk from any cause, when compared to survivors who don’t have clinical depression.

Research suggests that the emotional needs of cancer patients are not met as they should be. For example, one survey of bone marrow transplant survivors found that half of those who reported feeling distressed said they had not received treatment for their emotional needs.

The Facts

Adjustment disorder

  • Adjustment disorder can occur when someone goes through a stressful life event, including the diagnosis of cancer. It can be addressed through individual psychotherapy by teaching coping skills that focus on stressors caused by the disease. Cognitive therapy was found to be useful in reducing distress and increasing quality of life in patients with melanoma.7
  • Patient support groups play an important role in helping cancer survivors to cope with the distress that often accompanies a diagnosis. Support groups include tumour‐specific or mixed groups, and may be either informally structured, meet at regular face‐to‐face meetings or be run by professionals who provide expert education and training.8
  • A UK study found that the most common reasons people joined a cancer support group were to meet others like themselves (63.5%), find emotional support (13%) and get practical advice (8%).


Anxiety is reported by about 18 to 25 percent of long-term cancer survivors.10–14 Symptoms may include:

  • Tension
  • Restlessness or jitteriness
  • Hypervigilance 
  • Insomnia
  • Distractibility
  • Breathlessness
  • Emotional indifference
  • Apprehension and worry 

Management of Anxiety

  • Anxiety in patients with cancer may be managed with a combination of psychotherapy, drug-free approaches and medications. While many symptoms may be seen as normal responses to a cancer diagnosis or treatment, symptoms that are severe enough to impair daily functioning or quality of life need further assessment and treatment.
  • Drug-free interventions for anxiety and distress include psychotherapy and behavioral interventions, either alone or in combination.15 Interventions include:
  • Supportive psychotherapy. This is a short-term, solution-oriented psychotherapy that focuses on a specific problem. It addresses both existential and crisis-related issues and may involve the patient and their family.15
  • Behavioural interventions. A common behavioural intervention includes a relaxation exercise that combines passive or active muscle relaxation with deep breathing. There is evidence that progressive muscle relaxation may have benefits for patients undergoing chemotherapy.16 A study comparing progressive muscle relaxation and the anxiety drug, alprazolam, found that both were effective in relieving mild to moderate anxiety or distress in cancer patients.17 Patients with extreme anxiety may benefit from a combination of relaxation techniques and medications.
  • Exercise. A program incorporating strength and aerobic exercise can help reduce anxiety, particularly in supervised training programs. Moderate-intensity aerobic training three times per week over at least a 12- week period, or a combination of aerobic plus resistance training twice weekly over a 6- to 12-week period, can substantially reduce anxiety in cancer survivors during and after treatment.18
  • Stress management training. Watching a video or reading material that provides instructions on stress management techniques can be helpful in relieving psychological distress during treatment.19
  • Creative Arts therapies. Engaging in art, dance, music and writing may offer cancer patients some relief from symptoms of depression and anxiety during treatment.20 

Management of Insomnia

  • Some cancer patients experience anxiety as insomnia, and may benefit from cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). CBT focuses on challenging negative or faulty thoughts and behaviours, and developing healthier problem-solving skills to target difficult situations. A meta-analysis involving 752 cancer survivors with insomnia21 found that CBT improved sleep efficiency and reduced the severity of insomnia. 


Depression among patients with cancer may disrupt the process of treatment and recovery, ultimately impacting their overall health, wellbeing and mortality risk.22 Identifying depression and selecting the most suitable intervention are critical components of cancer care, with treatments ranging from brief counselling and support groups to medication and psychotherapy.23

  • Medications. These are usually prescribed for moderate to severe levels of depression. However, when compared to placebos, antidepressants for clinical depression in cancer patients do not appear to offer significant benefit. 24
  • Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy interventions are used to help people improve their coping skills. Individual and group therapies are beneficial for reducing depressive symptoms and distress while enhancing quality of life.23 The benefits of psychotherapy are extensive for patients with advanced incurable cancer.25,26
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT helps patients overcome exaggerated fears by encouraging them to consider various outcomes for their situation. Focussing on aspects of the condition and its treatment that can be influenced or controlled, and supporting behaviour change that promotes involvement and optimism, may result in a better quality of life. These effects appear to be long-term, with patients reporting fewer depressive symptoms several years later.27
  • Support groups. Support groups are important for cancer patients and their families who are distressed.28 Hospitals and community organisations often sponsor groups that are professionally run and/or offer self-help.
  • Exercise. Moderate-intensity aerobic training three times per week over at least a 12-week period, or a combination of aerobic plus resistance training twice weekly over a 6- to 12-week period, can significantly reduce depressive symptoms in cancer survivors during and after treatment, particularly in supervised training programs.18 
  • Spiritual Interventions. Patients with cancer may experience reduced depression and anxiety and greater spiritual wellbeing and quality of life from interventions focussed on prayer, meditation and finding meaning and purpose.29 


What can we do about it

If you are currently experiencing anxiety or depression after a cancer diagnosis, don't put on a "happy face" if you don't really feel this way. Share your concerns with your cancer care team.

Connect with people who will listen and can help with the practical aspects of dealing with cancer. Asking family members and loved ones for this kind of support may help you and the people who care about you feel better.

Consult with your doctor before starting an exercise program. As much as possible, exercise regularly for at least 150 minutes per week at moderate intensity.

To relieve anxiety and depression, experiment with behavioural techniques like deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation.

Engage in activities you really enjoy. Creative arts and music are good examples.

See a clinical psychologist or counsellor.

Take time for spiritual reflection and prayer.

As more research is completed, there is an increasing recognition that psychological issues are primary concerns for cancer patients during and post-treatment. Several interventions have been shown to alleviate psychological distress, anxiety and depression.


  1. Burgess C, Cornelius V, Love S, Graham J, Richards M, Ramirez A. Depression and anxiety in women with early breast cancer: Five year observational cohort study. Br Med J. 2005;330:702. 
  2. Eisenberg MG, Glueckauf RL, Zaretsky HH. Medical aspects of disability: a handbook for the rehabilitation professional. Choice Rev Online. 1993.
  3. Zhang JM, Wang P, Yao JX, et al. Music interventions for psychological and physical outcomes in cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Support Care Cancer. 2012 Dec;20(12):3043-3053. 
  4. Katz ML, Donohue KA, Alfano CM, Day JM, Herndon JE, Paskett ED. Cancer surveillance behaviors and psychosocial factors among long - term survivors of breast cancer. Cancer. 2009;115:480-488. 
  5. Mols F, Husson O, Roukema JA, van de Poll-Franse L V. Depressive symptoms are a risk factor for all-cause mortality: Results from a prospective population-based study among 3,080 cancer survivors from the PROFILES registry. J Cancer Surviv. 2013;7:484-492. 
  6. Mosher CE, DuHamel KN, Rini CM, Li Y, Isola L, Labay L, et al. Barriers to mental health service use among hematopoietic SCT survivors. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2010 Mar; 45(3):570-579. 
  7. Trask PC, Paterson AG, Griffith KA, Riba MB, Schwartz JL. Cognitive-behavioral intervention for distress in patients with melanoma: Comparison with standard medical care and impact on quality of life. Cancer. 2003;98:854-864. 
  8. Gottlieb BH, Wachala ED. Cancer support groups: A critical review of empirical studies. Psycho-Oncology. 2007 Apr;16:379-400. 
  9. Stevinson C, Lydon A, Amir Z. Cancer support group participation in the United Kingdom: A national survey. Support Care Cancer. 2011;19:675-683. 
  10. Mitchell AJ, Ferguson DW, Gill J, Paul J, Symonds P. Depression and anxiety in long-term cancer survivors compared with spouses and healthy controls: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Oncol. 2013 Jul;14(8):721-732. 
  11. Boyes AW, Girgis A, D’Este C, Zucca AC. Flourishing or floundering? Prevalence and correlates of anxiety and depression among a population-based sample of adult cancer survivors 6 months after diagnosis. J Affect Disord. 2011 Dec;135(1-3):184-192. 
  12. Jarrett N, Scott I, Addington-Hall J, Amir Z, Brearley S, Hodges L, et al. Informing future research priorities into the psychological and social problems faced by cancer survivors: A rapid review and synthesis of the literature. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2013 Oct;17(5):510-520. 
  13. Boyes AW, Girgis A, D’Este CA, Zucca AC, Lecathelinais C, Carey ML. Prevalence and predictors of the short-term trajectory of anxiety and depression in the first year after a cancer diagnosis: A population-based longitudinal study. J Clin Oncol. 2013 Jul;31(21):2724-2729. 
  14. Suzuki M, Deno M, Myers M, Asakage T, Takahashi K, Saito K, et al. Anxiety and depression in patients after surgery for head and neck cancer in Japan. Palliat Support Care. 2016 Jun;14(3):269-277.
  15. Watson M, Kissane DW. Handbook of Psychotherapy in Cancer Care. John Wiley & Sons; 2011. 
  16. Pelekasis P, Matsouka I, Koumarianou A. Progressive muscle relaxation as a supportive intervention for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: A systematic review. Palliat Support Care. 2017 Aug;15(4):465-473. 
  17. Holland JC, Morrow GR, Schmale A, Derogatis L, Stefanek M, Berenson S, et al. A randomized clinical trial of alprazolam versus progressive muscle relaxation in cancer patients with anxiety and depressive symptoms. J Clin Oncol. 1991;9(6):1004-1011. 
  18. Campbell KL, Winters-Stone KM, Wiskemann J, May AM, Schwartz AL, Courneya KS, et al. Exercise Guidelines for Cancer Survivors: Consensus Statement from International Multidisciplinary Roundtable. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2019 Nov;51(11):2375-2390. 
  19. Jacobsen PB, Meade CD, Stein KD, Chirikos TN, Small BJ, Ruckdeschel JC. Efficacy and costs of two forms of stress management training for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol. 2002 Jun;20(12):2851-2862. 
  20. Puetz TW, Morley CA, Herring MP. Effects of creative arts therapies on psychological symptoms and quality of life in patients with cancer. JAMA Intern Med. 2013 Jun;173(11):960-969. 
  21. Johnson JA, Rash JA, Campbell TS, Savard J, Gehrman PR, Perlis M, et al. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) in cancer survivors. Sleep Med Rev. 2016 Jun;27:20-28. 
  22. Katon WJ. Epidemiology and treatment of depression in patients with chronic medical illness. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2011;13(1):7-23.
  23. Williams S, Dale J. The effectiveness of treatment for depression/depressive symptoms in adults with cancer: A systematic review. Br J Cancer. 2006;94:372-390. 
  24. Ostuzzi G, Matcham F, Dauchy S, Barbui C, Hotopf M. Antidepressants for the treatment of depression in people with cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018 Apr;4:CD011006. 
  25. Akechi T, Okuyama T, Onishi J, Morita T, Furukawa TA. Psychotherapy for depression among incurable cancer patients. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018 Nov;11:CD005537. 
  26. Okuyama T, Akechi T, Mackenzie L, Furukawa TA. Psychotherapy for depression among advanced, incurable cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Treat Rev. 2017 May;56:16-27. 
  27. Stagl JM, Bouchard LC, Lechner SC, Blomberg BB, Gudenkauf LM, Jutagir DR, et al. Long-term psychological benefits of cognitive-behavioral stress management for women with breast cancer: 11-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Cancer. 2015;121:1873-1881. 
  28. Cipolletta S, Simonato C, Faccio E. The effectiveness of psychoeducational support groups for women with breast cancer and their caregivers: A mixed methods study. Front Psychol. 2019 Feb;10:288. 
  29. Xing L, Guo X, Bai L, Qian J, Chen J. Are spiritual interventions beneficial to patients with cancer? a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials following prisma. Med (United States). 2018 Aug;97(35):e11948. 

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